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Luv CCSB, Band10, 2Espirit'09 ttm!


trace it back

Abigail Chinboon Jieyun Vanessa Xinhui Yingxuan Darren Gabriel Jinghao Weisheng

2Espirit WWCB Clarinet AbigailG Amalina Amirul Anna Begonia BrendaY BrendaO Camellia Crystal Dessy Diyanah Elaine Germaine HuangWei Janice Jolene July JunYing Lynn Marcus QiWei QiYin QinPing Raymond Sandra Sherice SiTian SiWei Xin XueLi Yasmin YuWei Zahirah ZiJian


1 2 3
Sunday, November 7, 2010

woo. it's been long since i last posted this dead blog:X
-woke up and prepared, go for band. raymond and i was late for a few minutes. and we have to run extra rounds.
then aft th punishment, ran with whole band 8 rounds ard quadrangle. long time since i run man. th band dont have stamina, so from now on, every sat, let's do running:) ok, then aft tt went bandroom, sectionals. totally forgot about th sl workshop until jieyun reminded me. but was late already so decided to pon. then carry on sectionals, blahblah, dismissed.
went home with my onion head, clarinet, file, wallet, phone, keys. didnt bring bag, so my hand was like suffering! cmi,
then finally, home sweet home:)

slack all th way till 6. ahma's birthday, went celebrating at someplace. dont know what it is called.
karaoke + dinner. as usual, had fun with relatives:D

-went grandma house as usual. eat, slack. i lay on th bed for 1hour+ doing nth. for th first time when i lie on th bed i didnt sleep immediately. lol!! sian, now still on bed, posting. missing 1week of lesson for nco camp. super scare uh, camping with strangers. OMG. seriously scared. hai, miss 1week of lesson, a lot eh:( sian later cannot catch up, die. whatever uh. bye~
Monday, October 4, 2010

happy birthday mum. i miss you so much. it's been 1year 4month.
life without you is so different. i want to join you, to see you. :( but i cant.
there's so much i want to say to you. mummy:(
Friday, September 10, 2010


went school for social studies. half way, 30mins break. went down canteen and slack.
went to buy harshbrown with janiceO then suddenly those great friends on top appeared and sing me birthday song. i stunned, i didnt expect it. omg. though i didnt cry but i'm touch ok? haha:) thanks! ^^ aft tt, took photos etc then went up continued lesson. then maths > band. :)


It's my birthday! woo. officially 15. :)

went back sch for band. then drills > sectionals > fullband. during fullband, i tried the bass clarinet. quite fun. but still, i like the clarinet more. :X then aft band, the band sang birthday song for me:) then crystal came with the big red card. :)a bit stun, but not very stun. haha. thanks! ^^ then we crystal, lynn, yasmin and i bused to jp. went popular and bought earpiece for erjie. then went home. reached home, super hungry wanted eat jap food. then dad say wait for him reach home. then suddenly, band10 + lois w/o sandra appeared. omg. again, shock. but not really shock.
then they came in take pic etc then they say want go down have a walk. then went down. suddenly someone tap me and i turn. *piak* whip cream on my face. arrrhhhh~
this time i was super stun. i cannot react fast enough to avoid the cream. omg. seriously i didnt expect this. thanks guys!:) although i stinks with something i hate th most --cream.. but i was still happy. haha! love my friends^^ then all of us went up and wash up etc. then dad treat us pizza while kyinmay, jieyun, lois went off. aft eating and stuff, they went home. then i slack andwatch tv. xin still haven give me present. so i think there/s no more present. while watchin 11pm chl 8 show, i'm too tired. fell asleep.

then suddenly 11.50+ i woke up, then went to my bed and preparing to sleep, xin came and ask me down. then i heard dajie. ok, again, i was shock. she was supposed to be at her hostel. and she came at 11.58pm. 2mins before my bday end. and she told us how she rush back etc. thanks! effort appreciated!:) then we celebrated mine and erjie birthday. called ahyi and wish her a happy birthday. then took photos etc then i went back to sleep.

thanks everyone who wished me, gave me surprise and present! thanks:) love you all~


erjie's and ahyi birthday!

went lunch @ sakae sushi and had buffet. dajie, erjie, xin, me, lizhu. celebrated erjie bday also. then aft eating went buy snacks for tmr malaysia trip. then slack and stuff. dad came back ard 8+ and say that th passport is missing one. and then i remembered my passport is with mrlua, in th sch. totally panick. it/s 8+ and th sch is closed. then erjie msn with miss fong. told her. and she helped contact with mrlua. then mrlua say that taking back my passport chances is very slim. then dad was super angry with me for being blur and stuffs. then mrlua say he would get back to me. i waited.. 9+ i called him again. he say th chances is very slim still. cos it's late and th sch is lock with alarms and stuff. then i pass th phone to dad. and dad was very jidong. i was super scared. then 10+ mrlua called me and say HOD,mdm is going back sch to help me open th sch and take th passport. OMG. i was happy ttm. told to reach sch at 10.40 then dad drive me with erjie. and th mdm that appeared is miss lim. she took my passport and gave me. i owe a big thankyou to miss fong, mr lua, and miss lim. seriously if not my trip with my family and relatives i cannot go, and dad say he will accompany me. luckily, th teacherd that helped me saved me:) thank you!!^^
Sunday, September 5, 2010

- reached sch around 8.15 then gather at th foyer. Dragon boat~
same group as zhixuan, jasmine, weijing, marvin, jarren, baoying, xueli, vanessa, siwei, germaine, darren, jinghao, shevonne,mabeline and one(forgot). 16 in a boat. Th other group 10, 17. Had fun thr. Hehe spam sunblock. Lol. Vk didnt so she had sunburnt? While we pedal, jarren kept stopping. And we kept scolding. Lol, nonsense. He seriously cmi. But when we race with th other 2 boat, he didnt stop:) we won th 17 people boat:) lost to th 10. Then went to bathe, changed. Then dismissed. After deciding super long, siwei, vanessa, zhunchong, wilson, me, went city hall, ate sakae sushi. Lol, then aft tt went separate ways. Sat 198 with zc back boon lay. Then 241 home.
Aft resting for thirty min, went jp meet crystal, lois, yiwen. Then we 198 to clementi.then train to city hall. Lol. Then walked to the art house. Watched mrwong and a pianist, drummer, guitarist perform. When Mrwong play th bass guitar, he very cool. Lol!! Th pianist sing and play th piano th same time. She's super good. Her singin is super nice. Th environment is very cosy also. Th chair we are sitting is like sofa. The place is awesome. Seriously. Aft th concert, went to th stage thr to give th flower to mrwong. Then while waiting for him to pack his instru, we went to seat down. And i sat at lee kuan yew's seat. Haha! So cool lo. He have his specific chair with his name. Lol, then went mac with mrwong, crystal, lois,yiwen. Then aft tt went city hall, train to clementi, dajie came fetch us back. Super tiring day.

-went ahma house, as usual, ate, slack. 8+ celebrate me, erjie and ahyi's birthday. Erjie and ahyi both 9sept. Lol. Then take photo, cut cake.. Hehe, jiumu give present, the rest giv angbao:)